Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving and a Parade of Lights

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year with my sister and Gavin and Travis's brother Ryan. We made a "kids" table for the boys to sit at and eat dinner.

Getting ready for the big meal.

Gavin enjoying his green beans.

Earlier in the day it was warm enough for us to sit outside while Travis cleaned the grill. This is Ryan with his new shadow. Anywhere Ryan goes Aiden what's to go too.

This is just too sweet!

We went to the Parade of Lights on Friday in Downtown Ft Worth. We got there early so we stopped in the Flying Saucer to have a drink before the parade started. What we learned was this was the best place to watch the parade. We didn't have to sit in the cold or chase Aiden all of the place, we could sit by the window and watch from above.

The staring contest continues...

Reading a magazine while we wait for the parade to start.

All three of us in a picture for once.

Watching the parade from his window seat.

After the parade we went outside and watched them light the huge Christmas tree in Sundance Square. Aiden was mesmerized by the tree and lights.

This will definitely become a McNulty Family Tradition!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Tree

We decided Sunday night we would go ahead and put up the Christmas tree. Aiden really enjoyed all the ornaments. We would put one on and he would take it off to play with it.

Helping Daddy get the tree out and put together.

Last year I was worried about him and the tree, but I think I have more to worry about this year. Especially when he hides from me behind it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

To the Doctor we will go and go and go...

Warning this is a really long post!

This week has been crazy around our house. I had taken Aiden to the doctor last Thursday, because he was congested and coughing and I didn't want it to lead to something worse. Our doctor figured he had a sinus infection, nothing bad, and started us on antibiotics. Over the weekend he seemed to be fine, I got the stomach virus and stayed away so he wouldn't get it. Tuesday morning around 1:00 am he woke up screaming and inconsolable and this went on all night with him sleeping for an hour and then waking up screaming. At 6:00 we decided this was enough and we would take him to the ER. We get him bundled up and everything packed in the car and on the way he starts acting like his old self. We turn around and come home since he's not running a fever, not crying, or looking sick in any way now. Poor Travis had to go to work and Aiden and I went to sleep.

Around 11:00 I wake up and can feel the heat coming off Aiden and take his temperature which is 101, so I call the doctor and get an appointment for that afternoon.

Visit #2 We get to the doctor and she checks his ear and he has a horrible ear infection and respiratory infection. Obviously the first round of antibiotics didn't work so she put us on a new and stronger one and add an extra med to his breathing treatment.

Wednesday he seems to be feeling better in the afternoon, but crashes when Travis comes home. Our fever is back up to over 100 and we give him some Tylenol to help bring it down.
Thursday goes pretty much the same way, okay in the afternoon and crashing by dinner time. His fever hits and all time high 103 and we head back to the ER. Luckily Cook Children's has an ER that is close by without going to the hospital. We get to the doctor and she says the ear is still horrible and recommends we try another antibiotic, the third one, or give him a shot of antibiotics and hope it clears things up. We decide on the shot and he has to have two because the dose won't fit in on syringe and we have to wait 30 minutes to make sure he doesn't have some type of reaction. Once he calms down from the shot he falls asleep in my arms and seems to be out. We get a script for another antibiotic and to see the doctor in the morning before we give it to him.
We get home and put him in bed hoping he will stay there since he's slept with us every night this week. But midnight comes and he's crying again and the fever has returned.
Friday I call to make another appointment, visit #3, and off we go. We see the doctor and tell him our tale of doctor visits. He looks in Aiden's ear and it's all cleared up, but his throat is raw and looks like he has some type of virus!! He says no more antibiotics just get him to eat and drink, which he hadn't been doing, and keep a steady dose of Motrin going.
Friday afternoon I think maybe we're finally better, but he's still cranky and won't eat or drink. No ice cream, smoothies, Popsicles, or anything. He falls asleep doing his breathing treatment and we put him down hoping this is it. An hour later he's up screaming and just wanting to be held, but we do make it through the night fairly well.
Saturday he's still crying and cranky which is not like him and so we can the nurse and she gives us several suggestions and things to do to relieve his pain. Finally we are feeling better. He's playing with Travis and building a fort in the living room, we're back to normal. Then 8:00 comes and we can't stop crying and screaming even when we hold him. So I call the nurse back and she pages the doctor who says keep doing what were doing with the Motrin and Tylenol to help with the pain and the throat hopefully has peaked.
We wake up happy and wanting to eat some but in a much better mood than any other day in the last week. Hopefully the worst is behind us and we are on our way to feeling better.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I Love Elmo!

We bought Aiden a Tickle me Elmo last year at our Fall Festival and he was not too sure of it. Then he became scared of it. In fact I could put Elmo in front of a room I didn't want Aiden to get in and he would stay out.
Now he has decided, since Elmo doesn't work anymore, that he loves him. I found him and Elmo laying on the floor like this the other day.

We are so in love with Elmo now that we even take him to bed.

Go figure!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Visit to Austin

We went to visit the Kostusiak Family this weekend in Austin. Aiden and Connor had lots of fun playing together and posing for pictures. Aiden even taught Connor how to gracefully fall down the steps outside. If you look closely you can see the goose egg on Aiden's forehead and the scratches on his eye and nose.

Insert your own caption here.

We never could get them to look at the camera at the same time.

They had a birthday party to go to Sunday afternoon so we went and had lunch at our favorite place, Pluckers, and then took some pictures on campus.

Hanging out on the patio at the original Pluckers on campus.

Aiden with his hot wings.

The bronze BEVO at the Alumni Center.

Don't worry if you look closely you'll see that I'm standing behind him.

Aiden running back to Travis to see the picture.

Right before we took the picture Aiden almost fell in the fountain, but caught himself. As he was running back to us he did manage to fall in the big mud puddle and cover his feet with mud. I had to wash his shoes and feet in the fountain before we left.

We had lots of fun on our visit and can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fire Station

Yesterday we went to visit the Grapevine Fire Station. Aiden and I had a lot of fun and he got to see and touch everything.

Aiden even got hooked up to the heart machine monitor.

We also had lunch with the firefighters and afterward Aiden snagged a cookie, something he doesn't normally get to have at home.

He even rode in the front seat of the fire truck so they could play with the ladder.

Aiden and Doni on top of the fire truck ready to work the ladder.

We saw all the tools they carry with them.

By this time Aiden had gotten really comfortable and decided he wanted to go back up on top of the truck. So of course being the little climber he is he went right back up.

We had a wonderful time at the fire station!