Sunday, March 27, 2011

How do you keep a 4 year old boy busy....

... give him some dirt and a dryer lid and his monster trucks.

This kept him busy for over an hour one Saturday.
If you know Aiden that's a miracle.


Aiden is playing soccer again this year and is doing great!
This past week he scored 3 goals and could have scored more but we need to work on turning the ball towards the goal.

Getting ready to play

Break away goal

Another break away... I couldn't ever get a picture of him scoring because the ump was always in between me and Aiden.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

9 Months

9 Months Old

I can't believe Cohen is already 9 months old. That means I need to start thinking about what to do for his first birthday!

9 month stats:

29.25 inches long

21 lbs 6 oz

Things he can do:

crawling everywhere

pulling up and walking around the furniture while holding on

stand for a second on his own (getting braver every day)

drink from a sippy cup

feed himself finger foods


climb and crawl over anything I didn't think anyone could be more of a climber than Aiden, but Cohen is proving me wrong already.

He is a great eater. You can tell by his weight that he doesn't miss too many meals.

This month he got RSV for the second time and still does not like to take a breathing treatment. But loves to play with the tubing when the machine is off or his brother is taking a breathing treatment.

HATES being put on the grass. He will give you the funniest face and then try to get his arms and legs off the ground or back to the blanket.

Loves to play with his brother and if I put him down will head straight for Aiden's room to get into his toys.

I'm sure there is a ton more but I'll leave you with some pictures from the month.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Aiden came back from a friends with a new do and attitude!


This is all Cohen wants to do these days...

stand up.

Cohen Eating Strawberries

We've been working on eating more big people food with Cohen lately. The other night he had strawberries for the first time.

He did pretty good holding them and putting them in his mouth. They were just a little too tough to gum since he still only has two teeth.

Bath Time

Cohen has gotten big enough to use the Longhorn bath towel that Aiden used.

Cohen Aiden

Here's Cohen chillin' in his tub.