Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rangers Game

Saturday night we went to the Ranger's game with Travis's work. Even after a pretty rough night Aiden was ready to go to the game.
I think this was the only time Aiden wore his hat the whole game.

My favorite picture!

Aiden loved watching the game. He and Travis usually will sit on the couch together when I'm tutoring and watch a game.

Just the three of us!

Clapping along with the crowd

Aiden playing with Drew.

I wanted to take a picture in front of the stadium with Aiden, but he had other plans. This was the best shot we could get.

We had a great time and can't wait to go back.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lots of Easter Pictures

Here are lots of pictures from Easter weekend, maybe I shouldn't have waited so long to post.

Aiden likes to snuggle and watch Nemo or Cars in our bed. One night after his bath he got in our bed, tucked himself in, and said he wanted to snuggle and watch Nemo. Unfortunately it was too late and he needed to go to bed which he was not happy about at all.

Brushing our teeth before bed.

Just like the egg hunts earlier in the week, Aiden just wanted to eat the candy. When he figured out that I hadn't put any candy in the eggs at home he got fed up and went and played in his room.

He did figure out that the hard boiled eggs could be cracked open.

Daddy helping him take off the shell.

"I can eat this!"

I'm not sure what he was doing here, but it was to funny to leave out.

He ate the outside of the egg, but once he got to the yolk he didn't like it anymore.

Daddy felt sorry for him and put some candy, Cheerios, and goldfish in some of his eggs.

So then all he did was find an egg and eat all the candy in the egg before looking for another one.

Of course we had to have new Hot Wheels in our Easter basket.

Dying our eggs. Aiden decided to pour all the colors in one bowl and make brown.

Before the mixing of colors.

Look at me!

Such concentration.

Getting ready.

Saturday we found Aiden like this. When Travis is on the computer, he'll get his and sit down and "check his email" like Daddy.

Too cute.

Making Easter cookies.

Travis and Aiden behind the bushes.

I love my blue Sonic slush!

I want to be just like my Daddy!

Here's a little video of our egg dying experience.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Egg Hunt # 2 and #3

Yesterday at school we had our Easter Egg Hunt. Since the weather was looking yucky we had it inside at the indoor playground, which was a tight squeeze for 24 two year old looking for eggs.

All Aiden wanted to do was open the eggs and eat the candy, as you will see in almost every picture.

Almost got a smile!

His teachers made the cutest baskets for all the kids.

I just want the candy!

Before the Egg Hunt got started we took a couple of pictures.

Aiden's class

They weren't too sure of the Easter Bunny.

On Wednesday a friend from church invited us to hunt eggs at the park with them. Again all Aiden wanted to do was eat the candy in the eggs.

He finally gave up and went and played in the sandbox since I wouldn't let him eat the candy.

Aiden climbing up the play equipment all on his own!!

We had a great time hunting eggs this week and will have one more hunt at home on Sunday, plus dying our eggs.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday and Easter Egg Hunt

We had a pretty busy weekend. We had some friends over for a bbq on Saturday. Aiden had lots of fun playing in the yard in the beautiful weather.

Aiden and Scott playing baseball in the backyard.

We could have a future David Beckham on our hands.

Aiden had to help Daddy clean out the grill before everyone came over.

Daddy what are you doing? For about the 100th time that day.

Today Aiden sang in the children's choir for Palm Sunday.

He didn't do much singing, but he did clap along.

After church we had our Easter Egg Hunt.

Aiden's basket was so full that we had to start putting them in his diaper bag.

Our little family.

This year he really knew what to do. There was not standing around watching everyone else pick up eggs.