Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stomping Grapes

I forgot to upload the video of Aiden stomping grapes at Grapefest. We thought he would really get into it, but he didn't know what to make of the texture.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Grapefest 2009

Today we went to Grapefest in Grapevine for the day. We had a great time checking out all the vendors and sampling some of the wines they had from all over Texas and the world.

On the way to Grapevine Aiden had his rally hat on.

Walking into the festival Aiden got a sticker so we could find him if he got lost. That only lasted for about two minutes before he took it off.

Aiden tried his first carnival game. Go fish. He got a great sword to play with!

We had to ride the carousal.

Of course the bounce house was a big hit.

Getting ready to ride the motorcycles...
and the train...

and getting ready to play in the sandbox.
Enjoying a icee after a long day!
We had a lot of fun and can't wait to go back next year!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Gecko Hunting

We have several geckos that have decided to make their home near the front and back doors. Aiden decided that he wanted to catch one the other night after he saw me catch one in the house and put it outside.
Here he's looking for the one that lives behind the timer for the lights.

No Gecko

He's watching the one I put outside and decides he will try and catch it to put it back inside.

There he is!

Part One of catching a Gecko

Part Two of catching a Gecko

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rainy Weekend

This weekend we got lots of much needed rain. So instead of going outside to play we had to amuse ourselves inside.
Travis helped Aiden make a tent in the den.

Aiden decided he needed to fix his bike.

While Aiden and Travis were playing baseball the wiffle ball broke. Aiden went to his work bench and told Travis he could fix it.
A friend from church gave Aiden and Gavin Mr. Potato Heads that her girls had out grown. Aiden has played with them none stop and even tried on the glasses.
Mr. Potato Head glasses plus Mommy's flip flops.

Friday, September 11, 2009

First Day of School

Yesterday was the First Day of Preschool. Aiden and I both had a great day. Even when he saw me in Chapel he sat with me and when it was time for his class to leave he gave me a hug and kiss and went with his teachers.

On the front porch for the first picture.

Mommy and Aiden

In his Butterfly Classroom

Of course he went and got the cars first and then wouldn't look up so I could get a good picture.

Chuck E Cheese

We decided we would take Aiden to Chuck E. Cheese on Monday since Travis was off. Aiden had a great time checking out all the games and people.

There was a birthday party going on while we were there.

Putting in his token to play the first game.

After about 15 seconds he was finished playing the game and ready to move on.

We thought he would really like this one since to get to bang it, but again after about 15 seconds he was ready to move on.

This was his favorite ride and he didn't want to get off so we could leave.

Aiden has given up taking a nap most of the time, but I have found that if he walks the .3 miles to the park and .3 miles back home he will sleep for a little bit.

We can't believe how big he's getting. He can know get on all the toys at the park by himself and climb around with me just watching.

What a big boy we have!