Aiden, Gracie, and Lala opening presents.
My sister thought that buying Aiden a drum set would be a great present. All I have to say is Gavin's Birthday is in a few weeks so watch out, but it is pretty funny to watch him play.
The big hit was a new tricycle from Uncle Doug and Aunt Ellie. We tested it out the next day, but I need to find some pedal blocks to help him reach the pedals.
Blowing out the candles together.
Mimi and Pop sent birthday money so Aiden picked out this train set. It has a remote control that makes the train go. Pretty neat. Uncle Ryan sent extra train sets and buildings to go with set he got Aiden for Christmas. That one is going to take alot of time to try and put together, so there aren't any pictures yet.
We also had is two year check-up on that Friday and he is 32 lbs and 36 inches tall. We attempted to draw blood so we could test for possible allergies and that was HORRIBLE!! They tried in he's first arm and he was so upset he blew the vein and they could find a good vein in the other arm. They did get some to test, but the things we were looking for like grass and mold they couldn't test so we'll just wait till he's older and do the skin test. Hopefully it will be less traumatic.
Happy Birthday Amanda and Aiden!! I can't believe your little boy is TWO!!! It seems like just yesterday you were preggers with him! Looks like Aiden got a lot of great toys for his bday! Hope to see you both soon! :-)