Friday, September 17, 2010

Three Months Old

Cohen was three months old on Wednesday. He has started "school" with us and has enjoyed being with the big kids, there are three one year old boys in his class.

This one was just too cute!

Stats this month:

Height: 25 inches

Weight: about 15 lbs (I put him on the scale with me)

Sleep: He is definitely my sleeper and hopefully will be sleeping through the night sooner than his brother. He will sleep from about 10 pm to 3:30 am and sleep for another 3 to 4 hours after that. He also takes GREAT naps! If you knew Aiden when he was this age that is a blessing.

He rolled over for the first time Monday night from his tummy to his back. He seems more interested in crawling than anything. You can tell when something catches his eye and he wants to get it but can't just yet. He likes to sit in his bumbo and look around at everything especially his brother, who is usually doing something crazy.

He has such a sweet and happy temperament and hardly cries unless he's hungry. I'm not sure how many ounces he takes at a time but I'm guessing between 5 and 6. we haven't tried rice cereal again but I think try it again soon. He is still on his reflux meds and we had to up the dose this week because of his weight gain, but he seems to help.

We can't wait to see all the new things he does this month.

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